EnCourage: Journaling Heart-Words

Hi! I’m happy your here! I am sharing this with the #write31days challenge community. If you are a 31dayer, please share Your Name & Blog in the comments below. I’d love to read your Heart-Words.

I am EnCouraged by you reading these, my Heart-Words. Yet, I must admit, there are times when I am not happy. Yes, there are times when I am simply DisCouraged. I Struggle. I Fight. And I continue to Pray, unceasingly. Searching the Word. Seeking. Silently Crying Out. Until… finally; Finally, I can get Them out. Out onto the pages of a Journal. Them… Those Words. The ones that have been lurking in the Darkness just beyond clarity. Those Words, finally penned on a Page.


Searching the Word. Seeking. Silently Crying Out. Until… finally; Finally, I can get Them out. Out onto the pages of a Journal.

Oh, Thank You Lord for this Sweet Relief and Comfort that is Your Peace. Then. Weeks later. Then, I Read. Out. Loud. I Read, unsure as I revisit those Words, Stumbling over even the simple Words. Simply Pronounced Words that now, in this Moment, carry such heavy Meaning for me. I Read Out Loud…Feeling the Meaning Laden Words I carried for so, so Long. I Feel those Words Spill out into the Open Air. I see them caught in ThoughtFull Eyes who See Me, and know they are tucked neatly into her Listening Heart. Thank You Lord for this One, a Dear Heart-Sister.

I was undone & yet, once again, felt peace. Then, she told me that it EnCouraged her. What?! My Heart-Words? The same Words that had caused me such struggling pain to Finally pen on a Journal Page? These Words EnCouraged Her?! I am surprised that Those Words; they EnCouraged her to know that she was not The Only One who has similar feelings of Fear.



Then, she said I should Post This. This Journaling?! …Really? On my Blog? For EveryOne to Read? Wow. This mixture of terrifying fear & tremendous, anticipating JOY filled me. I told her Ok. That’s a Good Idea.

I wrote the Journal entry: July 25, 2014. Yes, It took some time, more EnCouragement and a last minute Discovery of The Nester’s #write31days Blogging Challenge & much prayer but here it is: Scrolled across the top of the Journal page: Friday, July 25, 2014 Night-Watch 2:18 AM

Father God, Thank You for all You’ve blessed me with. Forgive me, please, for my sins. I know I’ve been stagnate, frozen, paralyzed by fear.

Fear of exactly what? Messing up Your plan/will for me; not being good or gifted enough; fear of all the unknowns; fear of not being able to follow through; of completing the task, job, mission You’re calling me to. Fear no one will Get It. Fear that I am less than I was before the accident. Fear that I will be embarrassed by my lack of memory, energy and the abundance of pain & it’s effects.

I am afraid of doing this “alone”. I have lost my confidence in me, therefore, in You too . . . Wow😐😞 …I’m sorry Lord. Please forgive me! . . . ~>

OK. Where to GO from here? What path do I take? What Focus do I need-

🎶 Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look Full in His Wonderful Face. And the Things of this World will grow strangely dim, In the Light of His glory and grace. 🎶

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. Helen H. Lemmel, 1922 (Hebrews 12:2)

What Message do You have for this, Thy Servant? FACEDOWN.

Search me, O God, And Know my heart;

Test me, And know my anxious thoughts;

See if there is any  way inoffensive way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting.

~ Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV)


Writing The Word. Psalm 139:23-24

These Words may or may not EnCourage You. That’s Ok. Yes, really. I needed to do this post & Actually hit Publish for me in Obedience to my Lord. If there is Only One who has been or will be EnCouraged by these Heart-Words. It’s OK.

I want You to know that when You Journal, Write out Your Heart-Words, God hears Your Heart. He Knows Exactly What You Mean. Yes, even if we don’t know, exactly, He Does.

I Hope You will discover how to EnCourage Yourself & maybe a Heart-Friend too by Penning your Words to the Page of a Journal when you Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. Which is, by the way, Any Scrap of Paper you Choose to Write on! 📝😉

Have a JOYfull Day! {💞HUGs} 💚Love Ya! Susie 🙂

About Susie Cantrell ~ SusieMM413

HiYa! Thanks for stopping by. I am a Christian &created “Mountain Ministry” to Encourage others on the Journey thru various ways. I am an Artist, Writer, Speaker who Loves Jesus, my husband & best Friend, John & our 2 Children, Andrew & Martha + her husband, Nate & Grandson. I was a HS English & Social Studies Teacher, then 'Life Hit Us from Behind' - literally Kids & I are car-VS-semi-SURVIVORs, *kids at ages 9 & 7 had minor injuries & recovered quickly. *me-Brain Injury SURVIVOR along with multiple soft-tissue damage, head2toe. Now? Praising God for the Miracle of Life & Trusting Him as I continue the Journey & climb the 'Ministry Mountain'. I love to meet Sojourners, Share The Word & my Journey Lessons and make new Friends! Have a JOYfull Day! Love Ya, Susie 😃💚🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
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11 Responses to EnCourage: Journaling Heart-Words

  1. Lovely. I love journaling and yours is wonderful!

  2. Stacey says:

    Beautiful! I needed to read this today….

  3. Thank you for sharing your Heart Words! I can relate to what you said about Fear – about sharing your personal words/self…I have been writing in my journal for many years and pour my heart out as well…sometimes, just sharing what I am doing or how I am feeling; sometimes, I write down a quote or a scripture that has meant something to me; sometimes, I write my prayer to God and appeal to Him to HELP ME! Yes, I can relate…and I appreciate your sharing and also publishing it on your Blog. I have signed up to follow and look forward to reading MORE (and hopefully have time to “back up and catch up”!

  4. glendachilders says:

    Turn your eyes upon, Jesus … is one of my favorite hymns. I am sorry to read about your car accident. I also love journaling. (3 unrelated sentences, but all true.) 🙂


    31 dayer at http://www.fondlyglenda.com

    • Hi Glenda!
      Thank You for your Comments. You’re a Sweet-Heart.
      Sorry I’m just replying…I’m Still learning the blogging Tech Stuff & just learned that some comments go to a Spam file!😳
      I just found yours there. So glad I did too. I went to your Blog & read the Art Journaling post. Loved it & your Sweet Spirit.
      Yes, I do Art Journaling too. I love colored pencils and markers.
      Thank You for leaving your comment. Hope to stop by and read more of your Heart-Words.

      Blessings! {💞HUGs} 💚Love Ya! Susie 🙂

  5. amandacalitz says:

    Thanks for your obedience and you’ve encouraged me today. Stay blessed.

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